We’ve been running our MyHealthAccess online booking program with customers for over a year now and more and more appointments are being booked every month. We gathered some aggregated statistics on online bookings for the past 4 weeks and wanted to share with you some interesting graphs on when patients are using our system to book online in terms of days of the week and hours of the day.

What day of the week are patients bookings online?

As you can see the busiest day of the week is Monday which drops steadily off until the weekend when online bookings are at their lowest. Interestingly this likely mimics phone system demands in most primary care offices.

What time of day are patients booking online?

As you can see the most popular times are around 8am to around 2pm. The demand spikes early in the morning after 6am, peaks at 9am and then declines slowly to midnight. There is a an interesting spike around 9-10pm which suggests patients are putting off booking an appointment until just before they go to bed… perhaps because up until that point they aren’t certain that they need one!

42% of these appointments are being booked outside of normal phone hours of most clinics and many more are being booked on weekends. MyHealthAccess is making a positive difference for patients allowing them to book their healthcare appointments when it is most convenient for them.